Starting Fresh

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Starting Fresh

Some people start the year wanting to make huge changes in their lives, some start just hoping this year will be better than last, or different, but with no plans.  Only 8% of those who make New Year resolutions actually keep them for the first week in January. This applies to many “fresh starts” people try at any time of the year.

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When you want to change the way you live, and eat, and spend your time, you must remember that a lifetime has gone into developing your current habits – you cannot expect to change yourself overnight.

Before making any lifestyle changes, first ask yourself the following questions…

  1. Why do you want that change?
  2. What bothers you about the things you want to change?
  3. Who does it really matter to – you, or someone else?
  4. How important is it to you?
  5. What sacrifices are you willing to make to achieve that goal?

Then develop a plan. It is unlikely that you will succeed if you drop everything familiar and dive into the unknown & unfamiliar. First identify that which you can achieve – what will be reasonable and not too stressful to change. Start there and slowly make changes as you achieve and maintain your previous goal.

Every 3 months, evaluate your progress, and celebrate those lifestyle changes you have achieved and maintained. Identify new goals and strategies, at the right pace for you, until you have achieved the health goals you wanted! Once there, you will be healthy enough to set a whole new challenge for yourself. If you don’t keep moving forward, you will move backwards!

You have 1 life – live it to your optimal potential!


Goal #1











Strategy/steps required

Reasonable Sacrifices

Date to assess progress

Potential obstacles











Strategy/steps required

Reasonable Sacrifices


     I DID IT!


     THIS IS



     I HAVE      




Goal #2











Strategy/steps required

Reasonable Sacrifices

Date to assess progress

Potential obstacles











Strategy/steps required

Reasonable Sacrifices


     I DID IT!


     THIS IS



     I HAVE      




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